You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Who art thou?Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: Amy thou?
You: Lancelot
Stranger: and who is thee?

Stranger: Haha.
You: Have you seen Arthus?
Stranger: Nope. Have you seen A clockwork orange?
You: Yes, wonderful music, hehe
Stranger: Really?
You: Beside of the depicted violence
Stranger: This is such a deviation from omegle's usual slutty ways.
Stranger: Somebody who knows art.
You: the world is a pure coincidence isnt it? :-)
Stranger: I suppose.
You: I even wrote a poem about omegle btw
Stranger: Ooohh. Can I see? >.<
You: I have to type it, just a moment
Stranger: Sure.
You: This chatroom is completely anonym,Stranger: Haha -- very good.
And "Strangers" are your only vis-a-vis.
Communication is just interim
Здесь нет ни ненависти, ни любви,
Es gibt nur ein beständig Ritual:
When you log in, you will be always asked:
ASL - question mark. So it's you now,
Who construct your identity. You're masked.
ASL - age, sex and location.
"Important" and so fitful information.
Stranger: Although I kinda hate it when ppl ask asl, so they can come over and rape me.
You: yes, indeed, and you know,
You: it was even time, as omegle wrote in description: "don't ask ASL, it's too boring"
Stranger: oh really?
Stranger: it's more disturbing than boring to me.
You: oh, yes, it is
Stranger: It's really messing with the perverts though.
You: yes, I don't dare to go to video chat here
You: disturning
You: disturbing
Stranger: It's funnier just being like "hell yea,I wanna touch ur hard cock once you touch yourself, and then you can put your foot in your mouth and slowly suck!"
Stranger: Haha that killed me.
Stranger: Such horndogs.
You: oh no,
You: they are disgusting arent they?
Stranger: Yup. All they wanna do is cyberfuck, which is kinda sick.
Stranger: Now you aren't a rapist are you?
You: no, I hope at least, hehe
Stranger: Lol. I appreciate knowing that.
Stranger: So what brings you here for anything other than 'needs'?
You: actually, after I wrote this poem, I wanted to come back here and to show it somebody,
You: and have luck with you :-)
Stranger: Haha thank you.
Stranger: I try to write poetry, but it still isn't too good.
You: oh, really?
You: for example?
Stranger: Here, wait a second while I go get it out off my saved documents
You: cool! thanx
Stranger: Kinda sucks ass
Stranger: Doesn't make a whole lotta sense, but oh well.
You: oh, I like it
You: it reminds me on EE Cummings
Stranger: Really?
Stranger: I never got around to looking at any of his work.
You: Ive actually discovered him some weeks ago
You: Ive heard alot, but never read
Stranger: Same.
You: and now I'm really fan of his poetry
Stranger: I mostly like Allen Ginsberg, but I'll look up ee cummings now.
You: oh, Allen Ginsberg is also great
You: but I havent read much of Ginsberg, I have to admit
Stranger: Yea, I mosty read Howl and just a few other works
You: Oh, is there recently a movie about Howl?
Stranger: err... I don't know. Here, I'll google it now
You: me too, hehe
Stranger: lol.k
Stranger: I think so.
You: here it is:
Stranger: thx.
You: hey, don't you mind, of I publish excerpt of our chat in my poetry blog? I will let your poem away for copyright issues, I dont want to infringe your author right :-)
Stranger: still typing?
Stranger: Sure, no problem.
You: great, thank you!
You: it will be a chat about a poem about a chat - a multi-meta-level-poetry
Stranger: ur hella creative.;)
You: hehe
Stranger: So anyway-- enough about myself. Tell me about you.
You: oh, I am just a guy who write poems, that's me, hehe
Stranger: Do you intend to be published, if you aren't already?
You: actually, I was some times this year
Stranger: congratulations.
You: thank you :-)
You: I try to find new themes for poetry, because standard topics like "emotions" or "society" are boring like hell, imho
Stranger: I agree
Stranger: All my classmates can never shut the hell about their stupid ass teen angst
You: yes, that's what people live through, but if they realize, there's much more than that
You: it would be pretty fine development :-)
Stranger: Do you known any other movies just as good as A Clockwork Orange?
You: Oh, there are many pretty nice arthouse movies
You: I think, the movies by Spike Jonze are really great
You: and Jim Jarmush
Stranger: Really?
Stranger: I'll look them up
You: Yes, for example, "Beeing John Malkovich" is great (Jonze)
You: and "Coffee and Cigarettes" (Jarmush)
Stranger: k.thnx
Stranger: It's nice talking to somebody who knows what the hell they are saying.
You: hehe, I hope I know it though
You: sometimes the contents are pretty coded by authors
Stranger: so, what else do you want to talk about?
You: oh, it's pretty difficult to switch off all the ASL-topics, but I'll try to do it, hehe
Stranger: Haha, I don't mind you asking questions as long as they don't translate to "I am going to rape you at this location, since you are female", kinda thing
You: lol
You: dont worry
You: Ah, just very different question: do you watch LOST?
Stranger: Hell no.You?
You: yes, i did till the end
Stranger: Haha.
Stranger: Okay, do you like Pink Floyd?
You: Oh, well,
You: I know their album "The Wall"
You: but not so much beside of it
Stranger: I really enjoy their music, but I prefer their stuff before The Wall. okay, ur turn.
You: hehe, OK
You: what about experimental music?
Stranger: such as...?
You: for example Brian Eno, or German group "Einstürzende Neubauten", or like Japanese "Merzbow"? I know, they aren't famous though
Stranger: Oooh, never heard, I'll youtube them now,though.
You: yeah, do it! Especially this one is great: (wait a moment)
Stranger: It's sounds good, but I kinda hate when they talk
Stranger: The instrumentals are good though man
You: oh yes!
You: actually this was later development of "Einstürzende Neubauten"
You: before they did just Noise music, but it was really torture for the ears, hehe
Stranger: Haha, I'll look them up earlier too
<...>Stranger: But I kinda hate religious politicians even more
You: oh yes, I know, what you mean
You: religious politician is the most awkward mixture ever, lol
Stranger: Lol.
Stranger: If you don't mind me asking, do you have a 'faith'?
You: well, yes
You: I just believe
You: I mean, the chirch is made by people for people, so I have faith, but outer chirch
You: and it helps me
You: and you?
Stranger: nope, Atheist.
You: oh, ok:-)
You: oh, I meant "church", lol, mistyped me stupid
Stranger: you are not stupid!
You: thank you :-)
Stranger: so...*trying to escape intense conversation*, what's up?
You: oh, everything is nice, lol
You: I mean, I have now my sympathie to omegle again - thank you, lol
Stranger: Lol.
Stranger: Do you enjoy reading
Stranger: ?
You: Oh yes!
You: I read like a mad man, hehe
Stranger: Lol,same, but for me, madwoman.
You: lol
Stranger: Favorite author(s)?
You: Oh, for example Mark Z. Danielewski
You: "House of Leaves"
Stranger: err....I heard of that novel before, but never read it.
Stranger: Would you recommend it for me?
You: Oh yes!
You: It's pretty horrifying though,lol
You: and confusing
Stranger: Don't mind that.
You: you have sometimes to skip many pages to follow the plot, and then return again
Stranger: interesting... Have you read A Clockwork Orange, the book ofcourse?
You: Oh no, the book still not
You: Is it good?
Stranger: Yup, but it varies from the movie
Stranger: Or, atleast, it did for me.
Stranger: I read it before I watched the movie,
Stranger: so it changes how I percieve it
Stranger: Umm.... do you like J.D Salinger?
You: Oh, yes, but I've read only his most famous novel, hehe
Stranger: Catcher in the Rye?
You: yes
Stranger: I know it's kinda cliche, but that's my favorite novel.
You: no, it's fully OK, because it's great novel!
You: I think, he has found very cool way to desicribe the feelings and athmosphere and so
Stranger: I agree, and his other works are pretty good too. Franny and Zooey and Nine Stories, and he has another book I haven't got around to.
Stranger: Have you read Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov?
You: Oh, yes I did!
Stranger: Do you love it as much as I do?
You: Yes, this is one of my favourits
Stranger: Yes, it is written wonderful.
Stranger: And I heard English wasn't even Nabokov's first language.
Stranger: Isn't that amazing?
You: Yes, it is!
You: I love it also for this beautiful irony
You: all in all it's really one of the best novels ever
Stranger: haha defintely.Are you familar with Ayn Rand?
You: Oh, I've heard about Ayn Rand, but haven't read actually
Stranger: She has like three fictional novels and other shit, but her dystopian novel Anthem is really short, you should read it.
Stranger: She even made her own damn philosophy.
You: Oh, thank you! I love dystopian novels :-)
You: which philosophy?
Stranger: Objectivism
You: wow, thanx for a link!
You: what is about this philosophy?
Stranger: no problem,
Stranger: ummm it's based around mankinds greatness and stuff.
Stranger: There some contradicitons though.
You: interesting!
You: I like it, when writers are more than just story tellers
Stranger: I agree, but in one her two other novels, she makes her philosophy clear as hell.
Stranger: it's too symbolic some of the time.
Stranger: Well, all her work incorporates her philosophy
You: oh cool
You: Thank you, I think she will be my next book
Stranger: Lol.Enjoy
You: hehe, I hope I will understand her philosophy, lol
Stranger: It's not too difficult, don't worry
Stranger: Umm.. have you read East of Eden or Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck?
You: Oh, I wanted to read about it, because it was often citated in LOST, lol
You: but haven't yet
Stranger: Lol.
Stranger: My teacher recommended it, but never got around to East of Eden
Stranger: I bought Of Mice and Men, and am thinking of reading it next, but not sure what to think of the author.
You: why so?
Stranger: He's so prestigious and stuff, I kinda feel like I am obligated to have a high opinion of his ass
You: ah, I see,
You: well, sometimes such people write nothing good, but sometimes really great stuff, lol
You: perhaps you just have to switch off the auther and read the book ,lol
You: author
Stranger: yea. ur absolutely right.
Stranger: I was trying to do that with the book I am reading now too
You: which one?
Stranger: The Giver -- it's a pretty baby dystopian book
Stranger: by Lois Lowry
Stranger: Shitty-ass author
You: oh, never heard, sorry
Stranger: You're lucky, I am only reading it because of school.
You: oh, I know... often such lecture sucks
Stranger: Yea, but i should be graduating soon
Stranger: Then off to college
You: cool!
You: away from the hell of ordinarity :-)
Stranger: Lol.Yea.
Stranger: Can't wait.
You: what do you want to study later?
Stranger: Sociology.
You: awesome
Stranger: Haha yea man.
Stranger: Well, what else?
Stranger: to talk about, I mean
You: ah, I had a question now, just let me recall it, lol
Stranger: lol sur
Stranger: *sure
You: ah, yes,
You: which another dystopian books you can advice me?
Stranger: um... We by Yevgeny Zamyatin?
Stranger: Have you ever heard of it?
You: Oh, yes, this is pretty cool
You: and authentic
You: I mean, as authentic as an dystopian book can be, lol
Stranger: yea, I think it's highly underrated. Like 1894 and Brave New World, both of which are heavily based off We, were written later and are still more famous.
You: you're completely right!
Stranger: Ummm. Have you heard of The Trial by Franz Kafka?
You: Kafka is great!
Stranger: Ah, I never managed to finish that damn book. Was it overall good?
You: Haha, have you read his Castle?
Stranger: Nope, but heard of it.
You: oh, this book is so torturing, lol
Stranger: lol -- in a good or bad way
You: You almost have the same pain in this beaurocratic world
You: in a good way!
Stranger: Good. I'm now enthusiastic to read it
You: Ah, I know it again!
You: If you like literature, my advice is a very cool, but pretty snobbish literary blog:
You: I'm always around this blog, lol
Stranger: Thx. I'll defintely go around it if it's as good as you say lol
You: yeah, there are some writers and people from literary scene writing for this blog
You: but not in an academic way, but like..
You: kinda... bitchy :-)
Stranger: grr.
Stranger: lol
You: lol
You: they btw do always inform about new literary magazins and so
You: and if you want, you can follow their link and submit your poems!
You: Just try - and you will see
Stranger: Well, I kinda hate my poetry.
You: this is good!
Stranger: I once posted it on a criticising site
You: Good sign for poetry
Stranger: and it got bashed the hell out of.
Stranger: I was dragged though the dirt man
Stranger: No way am I gonna do that again!
You: oh, don't give up, they are all just snobby traditionalists
Stranger: Lol.Thnx
You: I mean, ee cummings and many other people were realy critisized because of their poetry
You: just do it :-)
You: I found some publishers through that blog btw
Stranger: lol. k, I'll try
Stranger: and it's real talking to a published poet
You: haha, there is also a literary magazine, who publish your works, if it was rejected by min. 5 other journals
Stranger: so ummm.. you bring up something to talk about now.
You: ah, there is even a big list of many literary journals in english language:
You: around 2000 I think
Stranger: haha thnx for the link
Stranger: do you know any other languages؟
Stranger: *?
You: wow, that was cool question mark
You: how did you do this?
Stranger: lol, it was in arabic
Stranger: see: هانيسحبتسي
You: awesome!
Stranger: My computer types both, lol
You: oh, cool!
Stranger: ني س سيتبس ننه هح
You: you speak arabic?
Stranger: nope, my father does
Stranger: and mother
You: awesome
Stranger: yea, and this is kinda my dad's computer so sometimes it whacks out and I end up typing both
You: hehe, I like it!
Stranger: thx
You: because to your question:
You: yes, I actually speak Russian, German and Japanese
Stranger: No fucking way!
Stranger: That's hella amazing man!
You: hehe, thanx
Stranger: say something in Russian!
Stranger: *jumps up and down with excitement*
You: Мне очень приятно говорить о литературе с незнакомцами
You: I'm glad to speak about literature with strangers
Stranger: aaaawesome!!!!!!!!
Stranger: Haha thanx
You: hehe
Stranger: I've always wanted to learn Russian and German.
You: cool!
Stranger: I attempted to learn Japanese on my owb, but I was overcrowded with schoolwork so I never had time, but I bought a whole lotta how to learn Japanese books
Stranger: *own
You: cool
You: Japanese is not so hard btw
Stranger: er.... I am kinda sucky at learning languages.
Stranger: though
Stranger: Like I took two Turkish classes, and one Spanish class.
You: cool
Stranger: and I still need my notes to see how to begin a conversation
You: oh, yes I know, you need native speakers to learn languages though
Stranger: we did, but they were horrible teachers, and I was texting my friend the whole time
Stranger: see, I am a horrible student as well.
You: hehe
You: no proble, we are everybody so
Stranger: and I didn't want to take Turkish, so I kinda mentally shitted on the class, because I was trying to self teach myself Japanese, at the time
You: oh I see
Stranger: Yea, I kinda regret that
You: yes, you re right, its better to learn languages separately
You: not to mix them
Stranger: yup, because then if you go to the country and start speakin a blen of two laguages, Turkish and Japanese for example, you look like a Grade A dumbass
Stranger: *blend
You: hehe
You: youre right
You: the only case of mixing languaes I can report is
You: in my poetry, hehe
Stranger: Lol.
You: I mean, I want to mix all languages I know
You: because you have then so many possibilities
You: much more than in only one languages
Stranger: Yea, that'd be pretty difficult to decipher though
You: yes!
You: but:
You: everybody, who speaks at least one language, can hget it
You: get
You: and the more languages you speak, the more meaning you get
Stranger: true.
Stranger: Do you know about the Sapir-Whorf theory?
You: oh, no I dont
You: what's about?
Stranger: It's too mind-blowing for me to explain, I'll post a link
You: ok! cant wait :-)
Stranger: Here:
Stranger: You can read it whenever and get back to me
Stranger: It's too long to read now
Stranger: Well, it's up to you
You: oh, thank you
You: I'll save it to my pc
You: I like mindblowing theories
Stranger: Lol same.
You: so, I have to go now, but I'll read the theory as soon as possible
Stranger: k.peace
You: cu later!
Stranger: haha yea
You have disconnected.
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